Campbell River Storm Dedication To Success On And Off The Ice

Players that come to Campbell River to play for the Storm have the best resources in Junior Hockey. We have our own gym, we have the use of hot yoga and self defense classes. We also have discounts at various restaurants. We have the resources to help them with which hockey route to take, I played major junior and other retired players from CR went the Junior A college route. We can sit down and discuss in great length the pros and cons of each route. The team itself is professionally ran like a Junior A or Major junior team in that we expect our players to not only put a great product on the ice but fully expect them to put an even better product off the ice and in our community. To help develop into the player that you want to be there is no better place than Campbell River.

  • 5 practices per week
  • Private team dressing room
  • Private team office
  • Excellent billet program
  • Awesome home game attendance, average 800+ fans per game!
  • Team bus travel to all away games
  • Pre game and post game meals provided on road trips
  • 48 regular season game schedule plus exhibition games
  • Team skate sharpening
  • Strong entry level community college and secondary school support system in Campbell River 
    Academic Advisor – Principal Sean Toal)
  • Job opportunities – THE STORM staff actively engage the business community in created working opportunities for all players. We have a strong and successful relationship with the business community of Campbell River and are grateful for all their support to the STORM TEAM.

Team Info

“Hard Work Always Pays Off” Our team was and will always be the hardest working team in the VIJHL. I fully expect my players to be prepared to work hard and be eager to learn every single day. It is unacceptable in my eyes that my players be unprepared for practice, game, or school. I’m very demanding of my players and I try to get the most out of each and every single player and along the way when hard work becomes easy for them then that’s when the fun starts. Hard work in my eyes is out working my opponent and winning the battles, and ultimately being victorious in the end. Hard work beats talent if talent doesn’t work hard, is my favourite saying and is what I believe in the most.

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